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Crying, Colic & Beyond

Smiling, happy baby
Dr. Jennifer Prince, DO
Integrative Pediatrician and
Baby COMFORT Specialist


Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because your little one is suffering and uncomfortable?

Have you noticed that connecting with your baby has become a struggle lately? Feeding times have turned into stressful events, leaving you worried and exhausted. You may even fear leaving the house, anticipating unpredictable crying episodes.


Is the constant discomfort preventing your baby from reaching developmental milestones? It's heartbreaking to witness your little one in pain. The stress caused by reflux can strain your relationships with your partner, other children, friends, and even your baby.


As a pediatrician specializing in baby comfort, I understand the challenges you're facing. I want to offer you a solution that can transform your baby's life and bring peace to your family. 

Meet Dr. Prince

Board certified pediatrician Dr. Jennifer Prince

Hello there! I'm Dr. Prince, and I want you to know that you're not alone in this journey of soothing your baby's cries and dealing with colic. It can be challenging, but I'm here to support you every step of the way.


When I meet families facing this challenge, my heart truly goes out to you. It's not easy to see your little one in discomfort, and as a parent myself, I understand the stress and worry it brings. But rest assured, we'll work together to find the best solutions for your precious baby.


You see, I don't believe in brushing off your baby's discomfort as something that'll magically disappear. Your concerns are valid, and we'll address them with care and attention. My focus is on bringing relief to your baby now, not waiting for things to improve on their own. No one should have to watch their child suffer, and I'm determined to make a difference.


It's not just about treating symptoms; we want to get to the root cause of the issue. That's why I'm dedicated to learning all I can and exploring innovative treatments. We'll work as a team to find what works best for your little one, and I'll make sure you're informed every step of the way.


And remember, I'm not just a doctor; I'm your partner on this journey. I'm here to listen to your worries, answer your questions, and provide the support you need. You can lean on me, and we'll face this challenge together, one step at a time.

I've also got a network of experts by my side, always ready to lend a hand. We're committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements, so you can trust that we're exploring every avenue to help your baby feel better.


Knowledge is indeed power, and I want to empower you with all the information you need to care for your little one at home. You're a crucial part of your baby's care team, and I'll make sure you feel confident and equipped to handle colic-related moments.


After our visit, I won't disappear either. I'll be there, checking in regularly to see how things are going and making adjustments as needed. Small steps forward are worth celebrating, and I'll be your biggest cheerleader along the way.


Together, we'll navigate through the ups and downs. I'm here to provide you with unwavering support, compassion, and expertise, so you and your baby can find comfort and relief. You're doing an amazing job, and I'm honored to be on this journey with you. Take a deep breath; we've got this!

Meet Dr. Prince


When I say that Dr Prince is top notch and truly cares about your baby, I am not exaggerating. She is absolutely phenomenal and her knowledge of pediatrics is vast. Although we initially met with her to treat my sons acid reflux when he was just a couple weeks old, she does so much more than just acid reflux and is worth every penny she charges! I cannot recommend her enough!
Ashley Makley

Contact Us

Welcome to Crying, Colic, & Beyond, where we provide personalized care and support for new parents and their babies. Our team is dedicated to helping families feel confident in their parenting journey, offering a variety of services and workshops designed to tackle everything from colic to sleep training. Our mission is to make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved. Contact us to see how we can help you and your family navigate through this exciting time with ease. Please add to your contacts to ensure you receive our reply; we aim to respond to all queries within 12 hours.

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