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Feeding babies encompasses various stages and methods tailored to their growing needs. Breastfeeding, often recommended for its nutritional and emotional benefits, provides infants with essential antibodies and nutrients crucial for their development. Alternatively, formula feeding ensures babies receive necessary nutrients even when breastfeeding isn't possible. As babies approach six months, introducing solids becomes pivotal, marking a gradual transition to a diverse diet. This phase allows your little one to explore different tastes and textures, fostering their motor skills and independence. While a crucial and part of their day to day life, feeding your baby is not always straightforward. Use these resources to help support your feeding journey, no matter what that looks like. 


How do you safely prepare a bottle of infant formula? Should you boil the water? Is it okay to prepare in advance? What if baby doesn't finish their bottle?  And why are EU guidelines different to North America?


Could an allergy or intolerance be contributing or even causing your baby's symptoms? 


How do you know if your baby is ready to try solid foods? And when should you start?


Is your baby crying during or after a feeding? Hungry but difficult to feed? Reluctant to eat or refusing entirely?

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Tips for starting solids with your reflux  baby


Elimination Diets

Coming soon

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What is palm oil? Why is it found in some baby formulas? Should you worry about it?

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How do formulas manufactured in the United Kingdom and European Union compare with one another?


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A comparison between formulas commonly recommended for cow's milk protein allergy

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Is spit up normal, or a sign of something more? How much is too much?

Newborn Baby

When is thickening your baby's milk recommended? 


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Comparing sources of fat, protein and carbohydrates across formula brands

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