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Food Intolerance Testing

Unveiling Triggers and Relieving Symptoms in Babies

Food intolerance testing and appointment with Dr. Prince offers a thorough evaluation and personalized guidance especially for babies, who may be experiencing adverse reactions to certain foods. By conducting food sensitivity testing and appointments, families gain a comprehensive understanding of their baby's specific food sensitivities and how they relate to their symptoms. This knowledge enables targeted dietary modifications and personalized recommendations from experts like Dr. Prince, facilitating effective management of the baby's symptoms and promoting digestive health.

Understanding Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance

Food allergies and food sensitivities/intolerances are two distinct reactions to certain foods. It is important to understand the differences between them to effectively manage a baby's reflux symptoms related to food sensitivities.


Food Allergy: A food allergy is an immune system response triggered by specific proteins in certain foods. When a baby with a food allergy consumes the allergenic food, the immune system identifies the proteins as harmful and releases chemicals, such as histamines, leading to an immediate allergic reaction. Symptoms of a food allergy can range from mild to severe and may include hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, or in severe cases, anaphylaxis.


Food Intolerance: Food sensitivity or intolerance, on the other hand, does not involve the immune system response seen in food allergies. Instead, it is a non-immune reaction to certain foods or food components. Food sensitivities often stem from difficulties in digesting certain substances, such as lactose or gluten, or from an imbalance in the gut microbiome. These reactions typically occur over time and may result in a range of symptoms, including gastrointestinal issues, skin problems, fatigue, headaches, or mood changes


Differentiating Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity: One key distinction between food allergies and sensitivities is the severity of the reaction. Food allergies can trigger immediate and potentially life-threatening symptoms, whereas food sensitivities typically cause less severe, but still uncomfortable, symptoms. Allergic reactions require prompt medical attention, while sensitivities often necessitate dietary modifications to alleviate symptoms and promote well-being.

Symptoms of Food Intolerances

1 / Excessive Spitting Up or Vomiting

Babies with food intolerances may exhibit frequent and excessive spitting up or vomiting, where stomach contents are regurgitated into the mouth. The spitting up can occur shortly after feeding or during normal daily activities, leading to discomfort and messiness.

2 / Irritability During or After Feedings:

Infants with food intolerances may show signs of irritability, fussiness, or discomfort during or after feedings. They may become agitated, cry inconsolably, or display signs of gastrointestinal discomfort, such as arching their back or pulling their legs towards their belly.

3 / Poor Weight Gain:

Food intolerance can impact a child's ability to absorb essential nutrients, leading to inadequate weight gain or even weight loss. If a infant consistently struggles to gain weight or falls below the expected growth curve, it may indicate an underlying food intolerance that needs to be addressed.

4/ Gastrointestinal Issues:

Common gastrointestinal symptoms associated with food intolerances in children include bloating, excessive gas, diarrhea, or constipation. These symptoms can cause discomfort, pain, and disrupt the baby's normal bowel movements.

Appointment with Dr. Prince: Personalized Guidance and Recommendations for Alleviating Symptoms and Supporting Healthy Development

After undergoing food sensitivity testing, families will schedule an appointment with Dr. Prince. This appointment serves as a valuable opportunity for families to discuss the test results, gain a deeper understanding of their baby's specific food intolerances in relation to symptoms, and receive personalized guidance and recommendations.


Dr. Prince's expertise in pediatric care, coupled with a specialization in colic, reflux, and gut health, ensures that families receive comprehensive and individualized support. During the appointment, Dr. Prince thoroughly reviews the food sensitivity test results, taking into account the IgG and IgA antibody responses and their relevance to the baby's reflux symptoms. By analyzing the findings, Dr. Prince can identify the specific trigger foods and develop a targeted dietary plan to alleviate symptoms and support healthy development.


Through personalized guidance, Dr. Prince helps families navigate the complexities of managing food intolerances in children. She takes into consideration the child's unique needs, medical history, and any additional factors impacting their digestive health. Dr. Prince works closely with families to create practical and realistic strategies for implementing dietary modifications, selecting appropriate alternative food choices, and integrating effective reflux management techniques.


During the appointment, families have the opportunity to address their concerns, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between food sensitivities and symptoms. Dr. Prince educates families about the potential impact of specific trigger foods on the baby's digestive system, emphasizing the importance of proper nutrition and providing practical tips for meal planning and feeding routines.


The ultimate goal of the appointment with Dr. Prince is to alleviate the baby's symptoms, support healthy development, and enhance their overall well-being. By identifying and managing the baby's food intolerances, Dr. Prince aims to improve digestive health, reduce discomfort, and promote optimal growth and weight gain. Families can expect compassionate care, clear communication, and ongoing support as they navigate the challenges associated with reflux and food sensitivities.


Dr. Prince's personalized recommendations and guidance empower families to implement dietary modifications effectively and make informed decisions about their baby's nutrition. By working collaboratively, families can optimize their baby's diet, ensuring that it is nutritionally balanced, avoids trigger foods, and supports their specific needs. Through regular follow-up appointments, Dr. Prince can monitor the baby's progress, make necessary adjustments to the dietary plan, and provide ongoing support to address any concerns that may arise.

Feeding the Baby

Special Deal

Parents have the exciting opportunity to explore multiple food intolerances in their child at a discounted price! You can now select individual tests for specific intolerances like Corn, Dairy, Egg, Grain, Lectin, Mammalian Milk, Nut, Peanut, Seafood, Soy, or Wheat. Or, dive into a thrilling journey of discovery by choosing combinations of four, eight, or all eleven food intolerances. This not only saves you money but also provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to uncovering and managing potential dietary sensitivities. Don't miss out on this fantastic deal to unlock a world of insights into your child's unique dietary needs!

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