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A Toddler and a Baby

When I say that Dr Prince is top notch and truly cares about your baby, I am not exaggerating. She is absolutely phenomenal and her knowledge of pediatrics is vast. Although we initially met with her to treat my son's acid reflux when he was just a couple weeks old, she does so much more than just acid reflux and is worth every penny she charges! I cannot recommend her enough!

-Ashley Makley, Mom to Grey




































Dr. Prince was the answer to our prayers, after so many provider changes and just feeling defeated and like nobody was listening to my concerns, we found her! She listens and helps you understand why things are happening, provides you with multiple options to treat the issue and she doesn't make you feel pressured to try anything you're not willing. My 3-yearl old daughter is now reflux free, after following the guidance of Dr. Prince, completing the stool testing she offers and we are finally sleeping through the night, medication and rash free. If you are on the fence about Dr. Prince, trust your gut and take the leap, you will walk away wishing you made the choice sooner! She truly has your child's wellbeing and best interests at heart.

-Alicia O'Brien, Mom to Raegan
Our baby was so miserable and hated eating. My wife and I had no idea how to help her, especially after already visiting several specialists, trying different formulas and medications, you name it! Dr Prince really took the time to learn about my daughter and what was going on with her and get to the bottom of her symptoms. It was such a relief when she started smiling again and happily drinking her bottles! Thank you Dr Prince! 
- Gareth Hewitt, Dad to Sally
I have no words to express my gratitude, for both of you. My frantic messages and meetings...and just feeling lost. Thank you from every fiber of my being. I have a healthy, happy amazinggggg little one who is in the 85th percentile! He could barely get to 2% when we started...Seriously, just want to say thank you for everything. I'll never be able to say thank you enough.
- Melanie Moore, Mom to Asher
I discovered Dr. Prince in the middle of the night when my baby was about 10 days old in April 2023. I am a first time mom and I couldn’t figure out why my baby ALWAYS screamed. Why she could never be put on her back. Why, at just 7 days old, she was choking, turning purple, and unable to breathe for a minute at a time 4-5 times a day. My mind was completely blown when all the pediatricians and multiple gastroenterologists we saw just told me “she’ll grow out of it” and were COMPLETELY unconcerned with the fact that my child was NOT BREATHING. I refused to accept that as an answer and thank God I stumbled upon Dr. Prince because things only got worse from there. 
I know that paying out of pocket can be very financially stressful but I can truly say that Dr. Prince was worth every single penny and more. You aren’t just paying for the 20 minute visit once a month.  You are paying for ongoing support from a doctor that specializes in reflux and truly cares about her patients AND their parents. She didn’t just prescribe medication, she also helped me figure out which issues were caused by needing a medication increase, the “normal” acid battle, a change in bottle, a change in nipple size, an issue with my baby not liking the taste of formula, and a million other things I had no clue were related to reflux. 
Reflux as a first time mom was one of the hardest things I have ever lived through. I don't know where I would be without Dr. Prince. If you are on the fence about meeting with her, DO IT. You will not regret it. If you were looking for a solution-this is it. 
- Tabitha Henson, Mom to Adara
Thank you guys for everything!!! You truly saved his life!
- Sierra Lybarger, Mom to Michael
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